How To Collect – Carol Danvers’ Captain Marvel
How to read the fifty years of Captain Marvel, aka Carol Danvers, comics. With Gerry Conway's Ms. Marvel to Kelly Sue DeConnick's historic relaunch and more.
How to read the fifty years of Captain Marvel, aka Carol Danvers, comics. With Gerry Conway's Ms. Marvel to Kelly Sue DeConnick's historic relaunch and more.
Wherein I ponder the difficulties of exclusive material in trade paperbacks by examining Power Rangers Year One, and come to an explosive conclusion.
When I reorganized my room to accommodate two new bookshelves, I had to be economical with my use of space. Sure, there are my trade paperbacks, but there’s also my…
This series of articles is meant to promote awareness of the Indiegogo campaign to independently print Scrooge McDuck legend Don Rosa’s classic works, The Pertwillaby Papers and Captain Kentucky. For…
This series of articles is meant to promote awareness of the Indiegogo campaign to independently print Don Rosa’s classic works, The Pertwillaby Papers and Captain Kentucky. For the first time,…